Making Appeals Processing More Efficient

Advocate for the payment of your claims more effectively by ensuring all pertinent information is accurate and accounted for.

Replacing manual claims processing with automated workflows helps reduce errors on the front end, but appeals from the insurance company are still likely to happen on occasion. By creating a transparent log of all available relevant information, your practice will be armed with all of the necessary data to ultimately get payment for services provided.

How it Works – The Modules

IT & Business Consulting
Project Management
Document Conversion Services
Robotic Process Automation
Data Mining & Analytics
Data Capture
Fax Management
Data Mining
Management Reports
Workflow Processing
BPaas - Business Processing as a Service
Eliminating Ownership of Specialty Software
System Integration
Managed Cloud Service Provider
SaaS-Hosted Software
Utilizing Cloud Services
System Management
Eliminating Stored Paper Documents
Archiving Strategically