Robotic Process Automation Analytics


Robotic Process Automation Analytics

The power of your data increases exponentially the more you have of it. Through Robotic Process Automation (RPA) analytics, you’ll aggregate more data (in less time) than ever before, giving you the raw information you need to make the most well-informed and strategic business decisions possible.

Robotic Process Automation effectively functions as your own 24-hour workforce. Starting with intelligent programming and then bolstered by machine learning, RPA eliminates manual research while accumulating large amounts of relevant data from disparate internal and external sources, and it works orders of magnitude faster than even the most efficient manual processes By combining these elements of speed, constant uptime, and continuous refinement, the mountain of data you’ll accumulate will allow you to enjoy granular context for crystal-clear decision making.



BPaaS – Business Processing as a Service

Combine the scalable power of cloud-hosted services with the dependable performance of InStream professionals to tackle your business process challenges.

Rather than being forced into a large capital outlay to deploy your business applications, our Business Process as a Service solutions allow your organization to pay on a usage basis (either transactionally or on a subscription model). This transforms your largest capital expenses into standard, predictable operating expenses that help your organization scale efficiently.

By working with InStream to secure your entire technology stack (computers, applications, hardware, servers, and the expertise to manage it all) you’ll eliminate the need for storage and transaction licenses, free up your IT people, and enhance your organizational flexibility.

With BPaaS solutions encompassing ECM, Advanced Capture, Robotic Process Automation, and Workflows, our team works with you to identify the right solution for your business and then combine the entirety of our resources (technical expertise and efficient labor) to implement that solution in a cost-effective manner that makes a difference.

Data Mining & Analytics

Strategic business decisions that impact the trajectory of your company should always be executed from a place of deep contextual understanding of your goals and the possible impact of your actions (or lack thereof).

Effective Data Mining using Robotic Process Automation analytics ensures a sample size large enough to help uncover the critical metrics that lie beneath the surface of your information while Data Analytics helps you make informed decisions by projecting the future impact of the current patterns and trends hidden in the data.