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The United States Postal Service processes and delivers more than 350 million pieces of mail per day. Whether your office receives a few dozen or a few thousand of those mail pieces, there’s no [...]
Well, it’s been over 25 years since we were first greeted with, “You’ve got mail,” and stamps and envelopes are still going strong. While it doesn’t look like snail mail is going away anytime [...]
Managing business information can be challenging, especially with push to digitalize you documents while protecting against the rise in cybersecurity threats. Businesses that invest in electronic [...]
Document Management for Accounting If you work in the financial industry, you know how important document retention is. Many financial regulations require retaining documents for the past five [...]
Expediting a Credit & Collections Workflow When it comes to collections, it’s all about speed, right? Quickly receive the payments and send them to processing. Nearly every organization that [...]
Document Conversion is one of the easiest ways to save money and boost productivity in modern business. Even with this knowledge readily available, many businesses are still behind the [...]
Should You Outsource Document Scanning or Do It In-House? Deciding to outsource document scanning or to stay internal is a big decision. When looking to reduce your organization’s paper, taking [...]
Document Management Solutions for HR Departments Document management solutions and automated processes are beneficial to any and every type of business. The more information, data, and paper [...]