
An Intro to Collection Agency Data Capture

With so many papers and forms to manage, collection agencies often struggle to process and maintain all of their files.  The good news is that data capture and business process outsourcing eliminates some of the struggle. InStream’s collection agency data capture and business process outsourcing solutions will allow your agency to have complete control over all of your business processes and tasks.  InStream will take all of your paper documents and turn them into electronic forms. Having the documents in electronic form offers the following benefits to your agency:

Improved Compliance

All collection agencies must comply with strict government regulations. It is a hassle to adhere to compliance when you have to manually process a myriad of paper documents. However, InStream will digitize all of your paper documents so they are searchable and accessible. Streamlined automation will allow your agency to better prepare for compliance. Also, electronic documents will allow you to detect errors before they become problems.

Automated Outgoing Correspondences

It is extremely frustrating when delayed document routing hinders your worfklow. Automated outgoing correspondences allow your agency to send documents to any authorized recipients. Your agency will streamline all workflow – making your clients happy.

Better Enforce Company Policies and Procedure

When your agency has to manually process paper documents, it can be difficult for you to maintain control over your various processes. InStream allows you control over your documents, and not the other way around. Electronic forms provide you with the ability to index all your agency documents. This indexing ability will increase company organization. You can then ensure that all your company policies and procedures are being adhered to. 

Staffer Flexibility

Rising labor costs have lead to an increase in staffing flexibility. This means that businesses are looking for more cost-effective staffing methods. Outsourcing to InStream will allow your agency to take advantage of staffing flexibility. If you have a high volume of paper documents, you need a lot of staff to manage them. With InStream, you will no longer need to hire staff to manage, process and file documents. Therefore, you can drop labor costs completely, or focus on hiring for other parts of your business.