Are your current data mining processes plagued with delays and errors? Is your company looking for a method to gain faster access to data? If your answers to these questions are “yes,” then your office should consider Advanced Data Capture. The Advanced Data Capture scanning process can be divided into two categories: centralized and decentralized. Understanding these two scanning methods will help your company to gauge your current document management process, and help you to determine the most efficient solution going forward.
What is Centralized Scanning?
Centralized Scanning is a scanning processes where paper documents are routed to a centralized location to be processed. This method employs high-volume scanners to handle many documents. This solution is best for a company that is looking to scan a large bulk of their document archives. Centralized Scanning is also a better solution for companies with documents that require special preparation and scanning.
What is Decentralized Scanning?
Decentralized Scanning is when documents are digitally converted at their point of origin and entered into your workflow. While Centralized Scanning occurs in a single, central location, the Decentralized Scanning process allows for document scanning to be completed in various locations. Decentralized Scanning allows for documents to be immediately deployed into your workflow.
Your company will have to determine the best scanning solution for your workflow requirements. This decision ultimately depends on your company’s document volume, workflow processes and business needs. Your company also must be mindful of downstream processes, when determining the best scanning method. If your company’s business outcomes are time-sensitive, then data capture timing is critical. In these instances, Decentralized Scanning is a time-efficient solution, as data can be scanned earlier, allowing for instant routing and faster processing downstream. Decentralized Scanning will immediately enter documents into your company workflows.
However, if your company data is not time-sensitive or if you want a bulk of company documents scanned at once, then Centralized Scanning is the best solution. When your company utilizes InStream’s Advanced Data Capture, your company files will be scanned allowing for instant extraction of accurate data.
For more information on Advanced Data Capture and Scanning, contact InStream today.