
Mailroom Scanning for the Healthcare Industry

Mailroom Scanning for the Healthcare Industry

Paper mail documents are extremely prevalent across the healthcare industry. Hospitals, clinics, offices, and outpatient facilities all are burdened with processing a high volume of physical mail documents. Such mail documents can include checks, orders, invoices, claims, explanation of benefits documents, applications, contracts, and more. With so many documents, healthcare centers are often forced to spend a great deal of time and money processing and sorting mail. Luckily, InStream has the document management solution to transform your organization’s mailroom. InStream’s Mailroom Scanning for Healthcare will provide your healthcare organization with revamped efficiency and productivity.

Choosing the right solutions is critical to your organization’s efficiency, productivity, and overall business success.

How it Works:

InStream solutions will convert your healthcare mail documents into electronic images. We will then route them via electronic workflows to designated recipients. The implemented electronic workflows can be used to monitor mail turnaround times, backlogs, and user productivity, thus improving turnaround times across the organization. Once the mail is processed, it is stored in secure electronic document management (ECM system) so it can be retrieved for subsequent use or sent to others when needed. Your organization can expedite all types of mail correspondence, from HIPPA-compliant documents to standard invoices. InStream will streamline your mail processes, ensuring efficiency and consistency.

Cost Savings:

InStream successfully outsources all or specific functions of your mailroom to reduce processing times and, electronically deliver miscellaneous documents such as claim appeals, member correspondence, address changes, surveys, etc., directly to intended recipients via predetermined electronic workflows. This means that you will no longer be forced to spend money on extra labor to process your mail. Working with InStream, your healthcare organization will save on overhead costs as you won’t need to spend money on floor-space, processing equipment, or software. InStream has all the resources and expertise needed to provide your organization with top-of-the-line mailroom scanning solutions. Also, improved mail accuracy will eliminate the threat of errors or lost mail, which is very costly to any organization in the healthcare industry.

Here are major IT challenges facing healthcare organizations today and how Healthcare Managed IT services can solve them.


Healthcare centers are some of the busiest offices. They deal with a lot of patients, and therefore a lot of documents. Most healthcare centers also receive confidential patient documents from other offices, meaning that there is a constant inflow of files. InStream will provide your organization with streamlined efficiency, as we will streamline your incoming mail documents. These documents can then be accessed on any authorized digital device, and then routed to any authorized recipient. This means that documents can be accessed instantly, with a click of the mouse.

To learn more about what InStream can do for your healthcare center, watch our videoand read our case study.

Contact InStream today!