
Digital ReeL: New Life for Old Documents

Transition To Digital ReeL For Microfilm Conversion Services 

In the back of many offices, there are piles of old documents that no one knows how to manage. These old documents often take up valuable space that could easily be used for something else. An excellent solution for your old documents is digital document conversion. Microfilm conversion services will digitally convert your old documents and improve their quality while increasing their shelf-life.

The 5 Game-Changing Benefits of Microfilm Conversion.

Microfilm is one of the oldest, and longest-lasting methods of document management. It is still one of the most widely used forms of archiving. If your organization has a high volume of microfilm, begin the conversion services into the digital age by transitioning it to Digital ReeL. InStream will digitally convert your microform images so they can be viewed through the internet, database, or document management system. News publications, libraries, and government offices are prime candidates to digitize their microfilm, microfiche, and microcards.

Government Records Any town, village, or city in America is bound to have archives full of old documents. These documents can range from birth/marriage/death certificates, to building permits, to census records. Such government records have to comply with retention policies and security compliance. Biel’s can ensure that digitally converted government records comply with all regulations. Cemetery Records Cemeteries have a high volume of old documents, that sometimes date back hundreds of years. These records might include photographs, lot registers, birth and death certificates and biographies. Digitally converting these historic documents will greatly increase their shelf-life, making the accessible for generations to come. Biel’s recently converted over 400,000 images, dating back to 1853, for Buffalo’s Forest Lawn Cemetery. Old/Rare Books We all know what happens to books as they age. They become faded, torn, stained and sometimes smelly. Old books aren’t always usable or legible. With book scanning you can digitally scan a book. Book Scanning is an excellent solution for Libraries, Universities, Publishers and Newspapers. Digitally converting old books will also greatly increase their shelf-life. For more information about document conversion, please contact InStream today.

Why Should I Should I Use Digital ReeL? 

Although microfilm and microfiche are both still relatively up-to-date, take up far less room than traditional paper documents, and have other benefits that make them a somewhat viable archiving option, they are still in physical form. This means that they will always have risks of inevitable dangers like theft, physical damage, and catastrophes, such as flooding and fires, which would render them useless.

So, what is the solution? To avoid potential document deterioration disasters, Digital ReeL is a complete microfilm conversion solution that converts microfilm to virtual, digital microfilm rolls. The conversion creates a digital replica of the entirety of your original microfilm or microfiche. The Digital ReeL microfilm conversion solution includes a software application that emulates microfilm retrieval from a reader printer. Users retrieve virtual microfilm rolls from a PC workstation, avoiding the hassles that come with physical microfilm and legacy reader printers.

BECPL approached us with hopes of finding a way to bring their microfilmed archives into the 21st century, thereby creating a more modern, user-friendly experience for their patrons.

What Makes Digital ReeL Unique?

Microform conversion of microfilm, microfiche, and microcards or micro-opaques, into digital documents allows your team and clients consistent access to the documents they need. The protection and accuracy offered at an affordable price ensure a successful transition to a digital solution.


Digital ReeL is priced 50 percent less than standard microfilm conversion methods and can be done to any portion of your documents, making it ideal for infrequently accessed, yet necessary microfilm or document archives.

Microfilm Conversion Accuracy

Digital ReeL is able to convert­ microfilm, microfiche, and aperture cards with near-perfect accuracy because the entire microfilm roll or microfiche is converted and no images or details are lost, digitally preserving your information exactly as it appeared in its physical state.

Image Quality

 Adjustable grayscale is included, enabling users to optimize the quality of tough-to-read documents or images, allowing them to be used for web content. In addition, designated information can be hidden or removed from public files, if so desired.

Easy Document Retrieval

Digital Reel combines full-text searching capabilities with the utilization of your existing indexing methodology to enable users to quickly find information. There are multiple indexing methodologies supported by Digital ReeL, which can be used in combination with another, to organize information in the most appropriate way.

Your Choice of Conversion Method 

InStream will convert your documents in our facilities or through the Cloud. Both options guarantee secure and private storage for your information. Microfilm conversion services through InStream will ensure a seamless transition to the digital world.

How Can We Help You?

Allow InStream to help you convert your microfilm. Our expert consultants will give you a free consultation today!

Contact us to learn more about what you can do to create more efficient business processes and enjoy better outcomes in your company.

Key Features of Document Management System