Regardless of how active or fit you currently are, we’ve all had moments (New Year’s, perhaps?) where we’ve thought “This is it. I’m sick of _____. I’m finally making changes in my life because [...]
The first five days after the weekend are always the Hardest: Do you find yourself discouraged and struggling at work on the least favorite day of the week? Monday seems to roll around and get [...]
LinkedIn has became a handy tool to share with prospective employers your resume online. Not only has it truly taken off in the last few years, but it is becoming a necessity for job-seekers to [...]
Electronic Document Management Systems otherwise known as (EDMS) drive business results by assisting organizations with their documents on a daily basis. These systems work hard so that the [...]
Not only is it important for the earth and the preservation and conservation of our natural resources to make conscious efforts to be more ecologically responsible. The green initiative is [...]
Do you view yourself as a complainer? If not, try going the rest of the day without complaining, and you will probably be surprised to see how many of your words are negative. Although [...]
It is more possible than ever before to take initiative in your routine activities to leave less of a paper trail. While your life at home is not the same as in the office, your house can [...]
While we have still yet to see the cartoon ideas of future technology like flying cars, teleportation and time travel, one absolutely incredible innovation that is perpetually being improved and [...]
If you feel your workday is a whirlwind and you never seem to accomplish everything you want to or need to, perhaps you have a focusing problem. It is incredibly common, because staying focused [...]
It may just sound like semantics, but there is a real difference between something that was “built for” versus “adapted to.” Would you rather buy a house that was “designed for” energy efficiency [...]