For the most part everyone, who hasn’t been living under a rock, has at least heard about the cloud. The adoption of cloud computing has been rapidly increasing and because it is a pretty big deal, we thought it would be beneficial to give a quick introduction.
There are two versions of the cloud that you should know about.
Dependent on your company’s needs, you could either use a cloud service, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) rather than investing in a new IT hardware, Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS). With SaaS, a provider would host company’s documents and applications on its servers and storage systems. Users would access it through a Web browser and companies generally pay a fee per user per month. Now if your company invests in IaaS, your company would receive virtual machines, physical servers, and storage and connectivity resources to run your enterprise applications with a pay as you go payment.
Cloud computing services offer greater flexibility in delivering IT services.
Rather than sign on for years at a time, cloud computing services are offered monthly or based on the consumption of resources. This is beneficial for industries that are subject to varying needs during their business cycle. You can set up your capacity for several months to support your peak period and then dial it back when activities return to normal.
Cloud computing gives you the ability to refresh an aging infrastructure.
This is important for companies who are trying to keep up or update to new technologies. The cloud allows this to happen without the companies having to buy new servers.
Cloud is an economical way to support more users and services.
Because so many data centers are running out of room, many businesses are being forced to build new data centers or pay to expand their existing centers. Cloud computing allows companies to move their applications to a provider’s infrastructure and save the cost of what it would cost for an expansion.
Cloud allows IT staff to have more free time.
A good portion of IT staff’s time is dedicated to managing and troubleshooting equipment. With the cloud, companies will get the infrastructure as well as management services, allowing companies to offload those tasks to the provider, freeing up IT.
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