Is your office still overwhelmed with boxes of documents that you don’t have room to store? Does your workflow suffer from manual, outdated processes? Our 21st century office Backfile [...]
A common misconception regarding data is that it is going to be more manageable in the near future. Many people are currently thinking that with so much digital technology and access, data must [...]
What is BPO? BPO – Business Process Outsourcing – is when a company contracts specific business tasks to an expert, third-party firm that is better equipped to perform them. While [...]
Everyone is looking forward to Christmas, the New Year and spending quality time with friends and family. While called “the most wonderful time of the year,” for most companies the holiday season [...]
It’s hard to believe that 2017 is coming to a close and the new year is right around the corner. While there’s only a few weeks left in 2017, the end of the year is the perfect time to assess [...]
Despite our current 21st century digital landscape, many offices continue to be paper-based. These outdated, manual paper processes are the cause of many employee headaches and lead to general [...]
Offices large and small typically house a lot of important company documents that are located across various file cabinets and hard drives. While data and information are often essential to [...]
The end of the year is the perfect time to take inventory of your business process, so you can determine if your office is achieving a healthy workflow. Below are some good questions to ask [...]
A Painless Conversion Process [/vc_cta][/vc_column][/vc_row]
The HR Department is often the cornerstone of any workplace. Human Resources takes care of company employees, handling a wide array of employee documents including time sheets and requests. You [...]