
The Increasing Complexity of HR Records & Information Management

This blog post is part of the Instream HR Document Management Resource Guide

Human Resources departments are the cornerstone of the office, in charge of hiring staff and maintaining employee documents. HR offices are responsible for maintaining compliance and processing many sensitive documents, while adhering to regulations and compliance standards surrounding these documents. Sensitive documents pertaining to employee healthcare, benefits, hiring and termination are typically required to be retained for a certain period of time.

Government Regulations that impact HR operations and establish document retention periods include:

  • Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
  • Occupational Health and Services (OSHA)
  • Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
  • Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)

With increasing regulations, HR records management has become complex. In today’s legal environment, it is both crucial and essential for HR employees to support compliance. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in costly non-compliance fines and general company disarray. Therefore, your office needs a strategy and a solution that will ensure HR document compliance.

Common risks that lead to compliance failure include:

  • Lost or misfiled documents
  • Incomplete documents
  • Compromised documents ending up in the wrong hands
  • Documents that are discarded before their required retention date

Document Conversion will allow your company to decrease legal liabilities and achieve compliance. It is very difficult to adhere to  compliance standards when your HR is paper-based. Loose paper documents can easily become lost, misfiled or end up in the wrong hands. Not to mention, paper documents are a hassle to maintain requiring employee hours, file cabinets and other costly storage equipment .

Document Conversion will convert all paper HR files into electronically forms that are securely stored in a centralized location.Once your documents are digitized, and you can define rules so you can easily enforce company policies and regulation standards. Digital HR documents can be securely routed  to any authorized recipient, increasing overall communication. While paper documents can take forever to retrieve and route, digital eForms can be instantly accessed and instantly routed to any authorized recipients. Your digital files will be placed in an electronic repository that is compliant with safety standards and compatible with your internal business rules.

Secure your HR documents today, contact InStream


The Big Book of Document Scanning