Biel’s would like to thank all of this year’s attendees and vendors for coming to the 2015 Users Expo. The turnout was great and we hope everyone had a good time and was able to get all of the information they needed. We’d also like to thank all of our presenters for creating and presenting interesting and engaging information. Here is a quick summary of the interesting presentations we heard:
- Data Capture In Today’s Organizations
- Presented by Psigen
- Real world examples of what data capture can do for your business
- Better accuracy for better results
- How Biel’s and The Buffalo Bills Made Paperless Happen
- Helping the Bills focus on the field
- Team-wide coordination
- Helping the Bills focus on the field
- Scanning Hardware for Every Industry
- Presented by Epson
- Epson’s line of WorkForce and WorkForce Pro Scanners are designed to give you only the features you need for your business
- Save money and increase efficiency
- The Cloud and Mobility: What You Need To Know
- Outsourcing vs. In-House Document Conversion
- Data Capture Continuation: Is Your Interest There?
- The Elements of NYS Archives Grant
- Accounts Payable Data Capture
- Taking Advantage of Hardware and Software on State Contracts
- 4 Key Attributes of Effective Paperless Solutions
- Understanding Enterprise Content Management
- Eliminate Data Entry with Government E-Forms
- Workflow for your Company Scanning Hardware for Every Industry
- Human Resource Onboarding with Electronic Forms
- The ROI of E-Forms
For more information about these presentations feel free to contact Biel’s and allow us to share it with you. You can call us at 1-800-722-2435, email us at or fill out the form on this page and someone will get back to you. We hope everyone enjoyed the presentations, food, and drinks; we can’t wait to see everyone again next year!