Workflow, it’s one of those business words that seems to get thrown around a lot. “Do this and it will improve your workflow.” “If you want to get better at this, your first step [...]
With Biel’s AnyDoc Solution, an automated data entry software, over 3,000 companies are increasing their productivity up to 400% while keeping the same number of employees. They are also cutting [...]
Document management is the method of controlling records and documents virtually. This allows them to be stored, shared, tracked, created, and retrieved efficiently and effectively through [...]
Employees are an important part of a business. Training employees is time consuming and can be expensive. It is important to hire the right kinds of employees: people that will benefit the [...]
Employees who have a good relationship with their co-workers and managers will be more engaged in their work performance. A good working relationship does not mean being best friends with [...]
Does anyone know what March 4th is this year? Yes, no, maybe so? Here’s hint – it has to do with your employees. This year, March 4th, is Employee Appreciate day. A day of observance [...]
Feng shui is a Chinese art and science in which the flow of energy is determined by the arrangement and position of objects. Good feng shui means good fortune. In other words, there are certain [...]
Keeping your desk tidy is beneficial for many reasons. It will reduce stress, help you remember what tasks you have to do, allow better time management, and make you look more professional. [...]
In the wake of December’s San Bernardino terrorist attack, the United States Government is calling on Apple to provide additional information. The attackers used Iphones and the US believes there [...]
Time management is an important, but hard skill to acquire. It is so easy to get distracted or be unmotivated when there is work that needs to be done. Here are a eight techniques to have more [...]