Implementing the cloud is an important decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Yes, there are many benefits (less equipment, strong security and access anywhere) but if your cloud service [...]
According to Gartner, 50% of enterprises will adopt a hybrid cloud by 2017. While the benefits are too compelling to ignore, every mix of private, public, and hybrid cloud infrastructure comes [...]
The concept of the cloud is pretty simple, its a great way to store important files and photos. Despite the general idea being simple, cloud terminology can really confuse consumers. Iaas, Paas [...]
Curious about how the cloud can help your business with efficiency and cost? Here are three ways: Better Business Decisions Cloud technology has given small to medium businesses the ability to [...]
It may just sound like semantics, but there is a real difference between something that was “built for” versus “adapted to.” Would you rather buy a house that was “designed for” energy efficiency [...]
By now, you’ve surely heard a lot about cloud computing. There’s no question that it’s here to stay, and numerous small businesses have already made the switch. When determining whether or not [...]
For the most part everyone, who hasn’t been living under a rock, has at least heard about the cloud. The adoption of cloud computing has been rapidly increasing and because it is a pretty big [...]
As a small business owner, I understand there’s a cringe factor when it’s time to purchase new technology. Sure, you need it and it’s a good productivity investment, but just as you get over the [...]
Working in the cloud—accessing documents and applications through remote servers over the Internet rather than on a personal computer or a local server—frees up time and resources. Business [...]
Whether you’re opening your doors for the first time or trying to take your business to the next level, one technology that could help you achieve your goals is cloud computing. Recent [...]