Technology has revolutionized the way business is conducted. Filing cabinets and shelves full of binders are going the way of the dinosaur. At the forefront of this digital revolution is cloud [...]
It’s no surprise to hear that pollution from manufacturing and waste has a direct and negative impact on the environment. Everything from paper clips to fax machines are contributors to the [...]
In recent years, businesses throughout the world have begun to shift to cloud-based technology for more cost-efficient and resource-efficient IT solutions. At the same time, many businesses have [...]
You’ve heard the talk, maybe even read it here, and know that the Cloud is the way of the future. Hopefully, your on board and ready to take the leap. But for many business, the last hurdle to [...]
Cloud computing allows companies to log into one application and be able to access all of the programs that would be on a company’s computer. Instead of installing specific programs on each [...]
Teamwork is essential for the success and longevity of any business. However when employees are unclear about tasks, or don’t know who is responsible for what, then uncertainty and confusion can [...]
There is currently a lot of buzz about the Cloud. Cloud Technology is a server-based technology that allows organizations to efficiently store documents without having to store them onsite. You [...]
Looking for ways to make your office more productive? Need to improve efficiency while eliminating distractions? Below are a few tips on how to increase productivity in the office. It’s amazing [...]
Modern digital technology has allowed for more and more employees to work remotely from home. These days it isn’t always necessary for an employee to commute to the office to get work done. While [...]
For owners of a small business, the process going paperless can seem like a daunting task. You may think that you don’t have enough documents for you to need to go paperless, or that your files [...]