
Keys to Successful Cloud Implementation

Implementing the cloud is an important decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Yes, there are many benefits (less equipment, strong security and access anywhere) but if your cloud service does not match your companies needs, it won’t be very beneficial at all. The most important question is, would cloud technologies be a good solution for our company. If so, how do you make cloud implementation successful?

  • Don’t do it just because everyone else is. If you don’t understand how the cloud will help your business properly, you’re going to miss the opportunity to really transform and improve your business. Make sure that you have an understanding of your business’ needs and what would be the most beneficial for it. Without a purpose , implementing the cloud won’t be useful because you wont’t have anything to evaluate to determine if the cloud is working for your business.
  • Check the security and back up.  Be sure to know where data is stored, who can access it and how the connection is protected. Using the cloud is beneficial because it protects your information from physical harm or from being misplaced. Find out what the providers recovery plan is.
  • Make sure to do plenty of research on service providers. It’s important to spend time getting to know which provider will best fit your needs now as well as in the future. Don’t rush into implementing the cloud just for the sake of implementing the cloud.
  • Prepare for a change in business processes. While the technology isn’t challenging, getting employees comfortable with the change will be. If  the cloud isn’t customized for your business, it will be very difficult for employees to change their daily processes.

Not every business will benefit from the cloud, but you should test it out and see what the best solution will be for your business. For more articles about the cloud and how it could benefit your business, follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

Contact Biels to get started today.


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