
Connecting Systems, People and Processes with Workflow

We know that using workflow to connect systems and people helps you reduce information silos and ensures stakeholders know the status of important processes. Now we’re going to take a look at how to use workflow to connect those processes.
Workflow isn’t just a way to automatically push documents through work queues – it also optimizes your processes. You do so by using a framework of consistent rules that efficiently route electronic documents without manual intervention. By presenting users with all related documents simultaneously, workflow facilitates business transactions. That means employees aren’t repeatedly asking for emails, searching through file cabinets or waiting for documents.
Workflow also gives you visibility into your processes, so you know exactly where things are and manage the organization based on real-time information. That’s the key to connecting your processes – making sure you’re sharing current information.
Ensure consistent business practices Workflow increases your speed and accuracy by eliminating any variances in the way individual employees handle processes, therefore reducing any associated risks. Ensuring that employees always handle processes the correct way helps you stay in compliance with local, state and federal regulations. Workflow also shows you real-time document and process status, as well as historical data, which saves time and energy when preparing for audits.
From accounts payable to human resources and contract management, workflow expands beyond banking processes to eliminate paper across your financial institution. Here’s how it makes sure work doesn’t slip through the cracks:

  • Automatic email notifications alert users when their participation is needed
  • Configurable timers move documents through processes without manual intervention
  • Role-based calendars and load balancing ensure documents are processed efficiently by available users


Integrate to tie everything together An important aspect of any document management system is its ability to easily integrate with the core banking system you rely on every day. Integration ensures compatibility, so you’re automatically forwarding documents that are usable. That’s why the document management system you use should able to handle any document type or file format.
Connecting your systems, people and processes with workflow helps you move quickly and accurately without misplacing documents. That gives you a competitive advantage in the marketplace, because your employees are empowered to focus on customers and members.
And that’s the most important connection of all.