Flexible work hours allow employees to choose when they work so that it fits their schedule. There are multiple ways to allow this while getting 40 hours of quality work from your employees. Employers commonly require employees to be present at the same times every day. Unfortunately, every day is different and things come up that make a flexible work schedule a huge benefit for employees.
Common Methods
There are a couple common ways to give employees more flexible schedules:
Flexible Hours. Employee can works from 7 am to 2 pm one day and 10 am to 6 pm another day.
Some employers might require a 4 hour period in which you must be present (such as 10 am to 2 pm) to ensure everybody is present in case a physical meeting is necessary.
Compressed Workweeks. Four 10-Hour Days or 9-Day Fortnight where employees work 9 days every two weeks.
Job Sharing. Structured so that part time employees have the same responsibilities as another person and they work together as one to do the job on different days.
Telecommuting. Telecommuting allows employees to work anytime day or night, especially if their job doesn’t require interaction with other people. This allows employees to spread their 40 hours out however they please.
It is well documented in studies that employees desire more control over their work time as it helps them balance their life outside of work better as well. By having employees who are less stressed out they will also become more productive and happier. Many young people without families would work 10 hour days in order to have a three day weekend every week. Flexibility of times will also inherently create flexibility in the office, employees will be able to cover vacationing co-workers and be more familiar with the flow of work in the office in general.