
Scan-to-Zero: Document Conversion’s New Name

Paper to digital conversion has been increasing in popularity for years. As the paperless office becomes more of a reality, organizations are looking for better ways to get rid of disorganized, unsafe paper piles and instead utilize digital documents through servers or the cloud. Scan-to-Zero is a new program that gets your paper out of storage and converted into digital at one monthly cost. While you pay the same amount each month, you can watch paper start to disappear. Have a lot of paper in storage already? We’ll pay the fee to get it out.

Need three more reasons to Scan-to-Zero?

Searching for information stored on paper is a major waste of time. 7% of documents are misfiled or lost completely causing employees to spend hours a week looking for data that can’t be found. Through Scan-to-Zero paper files get transformed into digital, which can be instantaneously keyword searched. Within seconds, a document can be found based on the date it was created, a word in the text or any other indexed field.

Having all of your paper files converted at once can be an expensive endeavor. In addition to paying the removal fees for document storage, the Scan-to-Zero program is based on fixed monthly payments. This allows for almost any company with any sized budget to go paperless. With monthly payments the amount of money you save in the long run on storage and the benefits received from digital documents will result in a greater return from this investment.

Digital documents are much safer when it comes to creating, editing, storing and accessing. In fact, digitization of traditional paper records can provide your organization:

  • Password Protection
  • Audit Trails
  • Encryption
  • Supervision
  • Editing Rules and Regulations
  • Safety Policies

With all these safeguards you will not have to worry about threats of theft, tampering, natural disaster, and lost or misplaced documents. Your paper documents and storage are guaranteed to be safe.

Join Us For A Free Webinar
If you are interested in more information about Scan-to-Zero, you’re in luck. We’re offering two sessions of our Scan-to-Zero webinar, the first is Wednesday, April 29th at 11 am and the second is Thursday, April 30th at 1 pm. Register here.