It is almost summer, even if the weather where you live seems to be denying its existence. With summer comes warmer weather, longer days, and greater distractions. In the months of barbecues and swim suits, it is so easy to lose focus at work thinking about the other ways you would rather spend your days. But summer is an important time to remain focused. Whether your business sees the most traffic in the summer or is a time of strategic planning, it is important that you and all of the other employees are whole-heartedly present.
• Create three lists. Summer is the perfect time to knock things off of your list that you have been meaning to do. Create ” need to do” list that contains your job assignments and any projects you may be working on. Next is a “should do” list that contains things that should be done but aren’t as important such as emptying your inbox. Then create a “want to do” list that contains whatever you want to make yourself a better employee. Complete your need to do list first or daily and slowly check off your should do and want to do list one by one this summer.
• Clean! Technically it’s supposed to be spring cleaning but with winter coming to an end and then going right into tax season, who has time for spring cleaning. Start by cleaning your desk and get rid of what you don’t need. Then take what you do need and organize it. Group like things together and store in a way that makes sense and allows easy access. Do the same with your emails and files on your computer to stay on top of things and organized.
• Send important communications in the early part of the day. This is when most people check their communications. Summer is also a time many people take breaks and often check their phone early in the day. By sending an early communication you can be towards the top of their inbox and have a much mores streamlined response.
• Take a break. Seemingly counter intuitive to productivity sometimes taking a break is exactly what you need. Go for a brief walk in the sunshine, get a cold drink, or just complete a task outside of your space. Getting away for a few moments and clearing your head will give you an increase in concentration upon return.
It’s almost summertime, everyone. To all of our customers remember to have fun, stay safe, and enjoy the beautiful weather.