
Munching and Crunching: Four Tips for Lunchtime Productivity.

For many, a lunch break is that cherished time of the workday that you have to yourself. In break-rooms worldwide many people eat, text, email, or sleep during their lunch breaks. While it’s important to take some time for yourself it’s equally important to be productive with your time. Here are some tips to increase your productivity during your lunch breaks. These tips will help you to better go about your workday, reduce stress and remain focused.

Actually Eat
This is the most important tip. Sometimes it’s so easy to get caught up during a hectic day that you forget to eat a meal. Food gives you much needed nourishment to keep you focused and energized. A good lunch can give you a great afternoon. Plan and make a healthy lunch to bring to work the night before or in the morning.

Run Errands
Running a few errands during your lunch break can allow you to get things done, thereby freeing up your evenings and weekends. Errands also allow you to get away from the workplace for a while, which is always refreshing. Getting out and about, and redirecting your focus away from work can make you feel refreshed and focused for the afternoon.

Plan the Rest of Your Day
Taking a moment to think of all the things you need to get done (appointments, work tasks, calls, emails) and writing them down can definitely increase productivity. Writing down things you need to do, even on a post-it note, can help you to organize your thoughts and your day so you won’t have to think about it all while trying to work.

Socialize with Coworkers
It’s easy to forget the importance of connecting with coworkers. Working in a cubicle or office by yourself can be isolating, and connecting with others is one of our basic human needs. So at the water-cooler or break room strike up a conversation with your co-worker and ask them how their day is going. Talking with coworkers can foster creativity, improve mood and make your afternoon a more productive one.

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