What is “The Cloud”? It’s very different than the clouds we see in the sky, although there is a similarity. “The Cloud” is computing application software that can be operated by using any [...]
In this corner, weighing in at virtually nothing, is the cloud. In the opposing corner, weighing in at thousands of pounds, is on- premise software. Okay, okay, this may not be the fight [...]
How cloudy is your perception of the cloud? Let’s clear it up. We know that the cloud is essentially a network of servers used for running applications. What some people don’t know is [...]
From startup to a Fortune 500, the cloud is equally accessible for both. There are a lot of factors that go into a decision about the cloud, because it is such a big buzzword, many people and [...]
In 2014, news outlets and online forums exploded with the story of the celebrity iCloud hack and then again with the huge Sony hack. These two cases ruined the clouds reputation and deterred many [...]
All industries and departments can benefit from using the cloud. From healthcare to construction, there is a solution for everyone. Using the cloud allows contractors to access information from [...]
Using the cloud, businesses can give employees the tools and abilities to increase their productivity and improve their workflow. 59% of companies that use the cloud are more likely to see [...]
Despite the growth of cloud computing’s popularity, there are still many questions surrounding the “mystery” and all that the cloud entails. With the uncertainty comes many ( [...]
Those of us who live in Buffalo know all too well how quickly the weather can change- we had five inches of snow per hour falling around us yesterday. Roads are closed; flights are [...]
When making any big decision in your personal life, you always weigh the pros and cons, thinking every detail through. When making the decision for your company to join the cloud it should [...]