With the New Year beginning in a few days, so everyone will start thinking about what they want to add or take away from their daily habits. Exercising more, eating sugar less and write more [...]
The more we hear about Big Data, the more confusing it gets. There are so many uses and so much information thrown at us, it’s hard to decipher what it all means. Here is a basic list of Big Data [...]
Implementing a strong electronic records management will help your business perfect business operations, keep track of business in the past and start to prepare for the future. This means [...]
Libraries and other institutions that often work with microfilm know too well how time consuming and frustrating searching through the rolls can be. With the amount of historical and important [...]
Using the cloud, businesses can give employees the tools and abilities to increase their productivity and improve their workflow. 59% of companies that use the cloud are more likely to see [...]
We’ve been on the topic of Big Data lately, discussing how it affects us in our personal and professional lives. While having data is important, if businesses don’t utilize it properly, [...]
Our lives, both professional and personal, are run by technology and big data. As previously discussed, they impact us in more ways that we realize, however, most of us are not utilizing [...]
We usually talk about how big data can transform industries and business, but it’s important that we all have a better understanding of it impacts us every day. From weather to online shopping, [...]
When people hear “document management system”, they often think of an expensive, complicated system that just does not work with their process or budget. Even if businesses realize that their [...]
Having the correct hardware can make a huge impact on your day to day business processes and help you stay on top of your long list of tasks. It’s important to have a scanner that is [...]
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