A business process is a series of activities or tasks that when done together will accomplish an important goal of an organization and for many organizations, these goals were typically focused [...]
Most local governments have begun planning for next year’s projects. Many find themselves asking the same question, “How will we pay for all of this?” Every year, New York State offers the Local [...]
You may have heard about business process outsourcing (BPO) before, but what exactly is it? What can it do for you? BPO is when an organization uses a third party to perform a certain process for [...]
It’s late you’ve been working all day, you’re tired and you just want to go home. Unfortunately, you have one more order left to put in the system. You finish it and go home. Now a week later the [...]
The HR department is the department of the people. At least, the focus should be the people. But what happens when HR gets buried under mounds of paperwork, complaints, legal statuses, and [...]
The Biel’s Conference is back. Join us on September 9th for another exciting day of innovation, automation, and collaboration. This year, we are bringing you an event that is our best yet. And if [...]
Have you heard about September’s big event? The Automate and Collaborate: Biel’s 2016 Conference is back, and if you haven’t already, you can register today! Join us September 9th at the [...]
In the world of business, fraud is as significant a problem as ever. According to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), an astounding 5 percent of all company revenue is lost to [...]
How can an employee make decisions with all the data and documents in raw form? Sometimes waiting for an IT report isn’t an option. That’s where business intelligence comes into play (BI). BI [...]
Often times marketers and advertisers get a bad reputation. Many don’t trust them as they are always selling something. While marketers in any field know that not to be true, they are [...]